Winter” is recreated from the 17th century series “the months of Lucas.” the series represents typical occupations of country people in each season of the year. Depicted here is winter and as such, the main occupation of the country people in the foreground is ice skating. a frozen lake in shades of blue extends from the far left to the middle of the tapestry. skaters appear all over the ice in a variety of whimsical positions, including a couple that has knocked into each other and fallen on the ice. on the far shore of the lake is a palace in shades of brown and blue and huge green vines wind around the base. beyond the palace are a series of buildings, some bare trees and a variety of other small scenes including four enormous pigs feeding at a trough and a scene of villagers fighting a large fire (which was a common problem during winter in the 17 th century). the sky is a pale yellow gray at the sides with dark blue gray clouds in the center, which contain many small heads of winds with pink and yellow wings and a draped figure in pale blue.